WORMS SAFETY alliance’s operations extend to nine countries in Latin America and four in East Africa [English]
WORMS SAFETY is pleased to announce its expansion to Latin America and East Africa, bringing its global coverage to 80 countries.
The operating companies of the alliance will offer technical support and solutions in these two strategic regions to global brands and, more specifically, American apparel brands.
Moreover, this expansion also significantly strengthens WORMS SAFETY’s Textile and Apparel Technical Expertise Division with a deeper understanding of the industry challenges as well as local markets and regulations in these two areas.
In Latin America, a team of experienced garment and footwear technicians and auditors led by an Operations Manager has been introduced in:
Latin America has always been an important apparel and sourcing region, particularly for the US market. However, we’ve recently seen a significant increase in volumes among the great shifts we have observed in sourcing regions. It was becoming necessary for SgT to extend its presence and move into South and Central America and East Africa to support its US and global customers.
In East Africa, Worms Safety is drawing on SgT’s textile experience of more than 20 years‘ in North Africa to develop activity in Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar and Tanzania.
The last few years have seen strong growth potential in the textile industry in East African countries. However, the textile supply chain in these countries are at different levels of maturity, and so require varied support and solutions:
Ethiopia is very new to the supply chain and needs to develop its manpower capability, in particular with support in CSR, industrial engineering, and quality management. The contrasting situation in Kenya, which has a mature and stable garment-making industry, specifically in denim and underwear, requires investment to modernize its manufacturing and specialists to develop even deeper knowledge in those two key areas of production. Furthermore, while Madagascar boasts strong activity with the US market with a focus on added value goods (e.g. hand embroidery) requiring tailor-made technical expertise, Tanzania’s limited production capacity is based mainly on locally grown cotton and needs support to ensure local production is of high quality and is compliant.
Overall, these geographical extensions to Latin America and East Africa guarantee a high level of technical expertise and ensure specialists are always near.
For more information on WORMS SAFETY companies’ services and solutions in Latin America and East Africa, please click here.